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South Sudan’s church leaders call for hope at Easter

South Sudan Council of Churches (SSCC) leaders have in their Easter message reiterated a pledge no longer to simply make statements and stand idly by while their leaders ignore their advice in the quest for peace in their troubled nation.

Common prayer in Geneva responds to acts of violence

Commemorating the Armenian Genocide of 1915-23 was to have been the principal focus of the service of Sunday morning prayer on 15 November in the cathedral church of Saint-Pierre at the summit of Geneva’s old town. Following terror attacks in Beirut and Paris killing and wounding hundreds of civilians over the preceding days, the prayers of the Protestant Church of Geneva and the WCC Executive Committee took on a new dimension.

Beating the drum for peace

"Securing peace for South Sudan". That is how Fr James Oyet Latansio describes today's main challenge for the South Sudan Council of Churches. Since he was appointed general secretary six months ago, he has been on a tireless journey, beating the drum for peace throughout his war-torn country.

WCC calls for a special day of prayer for the South Sudan peace process

As the tragic situation of conflict in South Sudan moves into its 17th month, the World Council of Churches (WCC) invites its member churches to a special day of prayer on Sunday, 10 May, for those affected by the South Sudanese conflict, for the revival of fruitful peace talks, and for new ways ahead.

WCC condemns terror attack in Kenya

The WCC has strongly condemned the terror attack yesterday on the campus of Garissa University in North East Kenya. A statement issued on 3 April from the WCC headquarters in Geneva has expressed grave concern over the recent reports from Kenya with nearly 150 people massacred – including the guards protecting the campus – and almost 80 others left wounded by al-Shabaab extremists, who reportedly explicitly targeted Christian students on the basis of their faith.

WCC mourns the death of Leopoldo Niilus

The WCC mourns the death of Leopoldo J. Niilus, former director of the WCC’s Commission of the Churches on International Affairs (CCIA), renowned lawyer, peace negotiator and author of several writings on human rights and international affairs.

Churches working for justice and peace in situations of conflict

Situations of conflict, social fragmentation and political tensions in South Sudan, South Korea and Nigeria, as well as struggles of the churches in these countries seeking justice, peace and stability for all people and communities, formed the focus of a session on 3 July at the WCC Central Committee meeting in Geneva, Switzerland.