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WCC, WHO commemorate 50 years of collaboration

The World Council of Churches (WCC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) are celebrating 50 years of collaboration. Their work together includes strategizing, publications, seminars, webinars, and responding to crises such as HIV, the Ebola outbreak, and COVID-19 pandemic. 

Compendium of Promising Practices of African Faith Community Interventions against Paediatric and Adolescent HIV

Executive Summary

UNAIDS and PEPFAR developed this compendium in 2023. WCC collaborated on translating the Executive Summary into French and Portuguese.

This vital report brings together essential lessons from faith communities’ exceptional leadership in addressing the challenge of HIV in children. It documents evidence from the core roles that faith communities have played in identifying undiagnosed children living with HIV, improving the continuity of treatment, and supporting adherence to care and treatment. It also documents lessons from how faith leaders have driven advocacy to tackle stigma and discrimination and push for targets to be achieved. It will help faith communities and those who support and partner with them to advance a step change in progress towards the goal of ending AIDS in children by 2030.

Vorsitzender der ÖRK-Klimakommission: „Lasst uns diejenigen sein, die zeigen, dass es einen Willen gibt“

Der Vorsitzende der Kommission für Klimagerechtigkeit und nachhaltige Entwicklung des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK), Erzbischof Pastor Julio Murray Thompson, sprach in einem Videointerview des ÖRK über die Herausforderungen, mit denen die Kommission konfrontiert ist, sowie darüber, wie sie Partnerschaften aufbauen und junge Menschen einbeziehen wird. 

Recommended Practices to Combat HIV-Related Stigma

A Guidebook for Local Faith Communities
David Barstow
Gracia Violeta Ross
Manoj Kurian

In Recommended Practices to Combat HIV-Related Stigma, the World Council of Churches presents experiences of local congregations responding to HIV stigma. HIV stigma remains a significant barrier to universal access to care and prevention services and continues to be a challenge for the world, demanding our engagement and action. The faith community, with its large networks, influence and leadership, is well-placed to end HIV stigma and discrimination. It is our responsibility to participate in the HIV response; it is our calling to care for the most vulnerable.

Faith Sector Implementation of the Global AIDS Strategy

David Barstow
Gracia Violeta Ross
Manoj Kurian

The HIV epidemic continues to present a challenge for today’s world. The engagement and action of faith communities, in coordination with other actors, are crucial if we want to realize the goal of ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030. How can the faith communities have sound and relevant responses to the current challenges of HIV? In Faith Sector Implementation of the Global AIDS Strategy, the authors summarize three global strategies on HIV and provide examples of interventions and actions for faith communities.

ACT Alliance general secretary: “equity is not negotiable”

As the 78th session of the UN General Assembly and the first-ever Climate Action Summit were held in New York City in September, ACT Alliance general secretary Rudelmar Bueno de Faria reflected on the importance of the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the ecumenical movement in creating a more sustainable and equitable world.

ÖRK bekräftigt Bedeutung von diakonischem Engagement und Mission

Pastor Matthew Ross, der von 2018 bis 2023 ÖRK-Programmreferent für Diakonie und Kapazitätsaufbau war, berichtet im folgenden Interview, dass das Dokument „Zur Verwandlung aufgerufen. Ökumenische Diakonie“, das er mitherausgegeben hat, auf vielfältige Art und Weise rezipiert wird, die aber alle die Bedeutung von diakonischem Engagement und Mission bekräftigen.

WCC reaffirms importance of diaconal service and mission

Rev. Matthew Ross, who served as WCC programme executive for Diakonia and Capacity Building from 2018-2023, reflects on how the document Called to Transformation – Ecumenical Diakonia,” which he edited, is being received in ways that affirm the importance of diaconal service and mission.