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“Walk of Peace” in The Hague: six kilometres of encounter and inspiration

Hopes and aspirations for peace were expressed on 20 September at the Peace Palace in the Netherlands, site of a “Walk of Peace” held on the second day of the International Week of Peace. The event was organized by the Council of Churches in the Netherlands and PAX, a Dutch peace organization, in cooperation with local churches in The Hague.

Europäische Kirchen werden ermutigt, Flüchtlingskrise gemeinsam anzugehen

Mit Blick auf die gegenwärtige Flüchtlingskrise sollen die europäischen Kirchen ihre Anstrengungen bei der Aufnahme, der Unterstützung und dem Schutz von Flüchtlin¬gen, die in der Region ankommen, weiter verstärken. Dazu haben der ÖRK, die Konferenz Europäischer Kirchen und die Kommission der Kirchen für Migranten in Europa in einem gemeinsam verfassten Brief aufgerufen.

European churches encouraged to work together to address refugee crisis

In view of the current refugee crisis, European churches are being encouraged to deepen their efforts in receiving, supporting and protecting refugees who arrive in the region. This call was made in a letter issued jointly by the WCC, the Conference of European Churches and the Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe.