Displaying 3241 - 3260 of 4055

Jahrestagung zum interreligiösen Dialog

Die Jahrestagung fand am 3. und 4. Februar 2016 unter Beteiligung von Mitgliedern des Päpstlichen Rats für interreligiösen Dialog (PCID) und dem Personal des Büros für interreligiösen Dialog und Zusammenarbeit (IRDC) des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen in Genf, Schweiz statt. Als besonders angemessener Rahmen für diese Tagung wurde die Interfaith Harmony Week gewählt.

Annual meeting on interreligious dialogue

During World Interfaith Harmony Week, officials of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue and WCC Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation staff met in Geneva for their annual meeting.

Presbyterian Church in Taiwan delegation visits WCC

A delegation from the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, led by general secretary Rev. Lyim Hong-Tiong, was welcomed in Geneva by the WCC general secretary. Discussions focused on the situation of Christians and especially the situation for indigenous people in Taiwan.

Methodist Church in Kenya consecrates second woman bishop

A WCC member church in Kenya has consecrated its second woman bishop, Rev. Alice Muthoni Mutuma, on 31 January in Meru. Rev. Pauline Wanjiru Njiru, East Africa regional coordinator for the WCC Ecumenical HIV and AIDS Initiatives and Advocacy, attended the service and brought greetings from WCC.

Symposium focuses on religion, violence, extremism

To promote open discussions on the theological and practical discourse, narrative and experiences on implications for the work of the multi-religious organizations on religion, violence and extremism, the WCC, along with the General Board of Church and Society of The United Methodist Church and the General Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists held a Symposium on the Role of Religion and Faith-Based Organizations in International Affairs.

Papal encyclical sparks reflections in International Review of Mission

Ecumenical cooperation among Christian traditions is “an indispensable path to evangelization,” according to the 2013 apostolic exhortation from Pope Francis titled Evangelii Gaudium, or “the joy of the gospel.” The latest issue of the journal International Review of Mission analyses the encyclical’s teaching in light of two other documents on mission agreed by the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism and the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization.

Lettland feiert Gebetswoche für die Einheit der Christen

In Lettland zeigt sich die Einheit der Christen meist in Form von praktischer Zusammenarbeit, aber auch in ökumenischen Gottesdiensten – mit der Beteiligung von lutherischen, römisch-katholischen, orthodoxen, armenisch-apostolischen, baptistischen, adventistischen, methodistischen und pfingstkirchlichen Gemeinden, und manchmal sogar Vertretern der Altgläubigen.

Latvia celebrates Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

In addition to ecumenical prayer and celebration – with the participation of Lutheran, Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Armenian Apostolic, Baptist, Adventist, Pentecostal, Methodist churches, and sometimes even representatives of the Old Believers’ community – Christian unity in Latvia usually takes the form of practical cooperation.