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"Diversity" documentary reflects on maze of self-identity in Canada

"Let us all learn how to listen without interrupting, and how to speak without accusing, and how to share without pretending, how to enjoy without complaint, how to trust without wavering, how to promise without forgetting, and how to forgive - and forgive is the greatest teaching in Islam - without punishing."

Blanket Exercise uncovers deep injustices in Canadian history

The report issued by Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission in June 2015 on abuse of aboriginal children in church-run residential schools included a call for non-aboriginal Canadians to learn about the impact of European settlers and their descendants on the country’s indigenous peoples. Church people have taken that call seriously.

Trondheim conference to explore reconciliation in Indigenous contexts

Experiences of reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people around the world will be front and centre at an upcoming international conference in Trondheim, Norway. The Sami Church Council of the Church of Norway and the WCC are the chief organizers behind the conference, “Reconciliation Processes and Indigenous Peoples: Truth, Healing and Transformation,” which will take place from 20-21 June. Coinciding with the National Aboriginal Day of Prayer in Canada, the conference will be held in connection with the WCC Central Committee meeting also taking place in Trondheim from 22-28 June.

Reclaiming our humanity

Bishop Mark MacDonald shared views on indigenous peoples and climate change in an interview with WCC Communications. "We are entering an era in which the public has a broader awareness of the rights of indigenous peoples," he said.

Il faut reprendre possession de notre humanité

Le public commence à être bien plus conscient des droits des populations autochtones, a déclaré l’évêque Mark MacDonald, président du COE pour l’Amérique du Nord et évêque autochtone national de l’Église anglicane du Canada.

Les Églises appellent à passer de la réflexion à l’action alors que le Canada entame une douloureuse marche vers la réconciliation

Dans le sillage de la publication d’un rapport de synthèse par la Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada, les Églises membres du COE au Canada entament un pèlerinage – qu’elles admettent douloureux – vers la reconnaissance des mauvais traitements infligés aux populations autochtones du pays, tout en veillant à ce que de tels abus ne se reproduisent plus jamais.

New Humanitarian Pledge to Ban Nuclear Weapons advances as troubled treaty stalls

Four weeks of negotiations on nuclear weapons came to a close on Friday 22 May, as the Review Conference of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty ended without a formal agreement. Despite the outcome, a bright new prospect towards a world without nuclear weapons has emerged in the form of a Humanitarian Pledge, now endorsed by 107 states, which promises “to fill the legal gap for the prohibition and elimination of nuclear weapons”.

Christians around the world pray for unity

Challenged by Christians from Brazil to strive for greater respect for religious and cultural diversity, churches are reflecting together on the gospel of John as they celebrate the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

Des chrétiens du monde entier prient pour l’unité

Appelées par les chrétiens et chrétiennes du Brésil à tendre vers un plus grand respect pour la diversité religieuse et culturelle, des Églises d’un grand nombre de pays ont mené ensemble une réflexion sur l’Évangile de Jean dans le cadre de la célébration de la Semaine de prière pour l’unité des chrétiens.

Churches commemorate Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity has been globally celebrated this year with prayers, reflections, ecumenical services and events focusing on Paul’s question in Corinthians 1 “Has Christ been divided?” a theme for this year’s prayer materials, prepared by the Canadian churches.