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Tari-dalana hoan’ny fiangonana momba ny fisorohana ny Mamany Lava

WCC Human Rights programme

This guide aims to raise awareness in churches and church communities of the catastrophic condition of obstetric fistula—a childbirth injury usually caused by prolonged, obstructed labour without timely medical intervention. Obstetric fistula can have devastating physical, emotional, and economic consequences for women and can even result in permanent disability.

It introduces readers to obstetric fistula and explains why churches need to be concerned. It discusses how churches can help prevent the condition from occurring in the women in their congregations and local communities. It also offers practical and emotional support and encouragement to those who are suffering with obstetric fistula. Finally, this guide outlines the advocacy work being done and suggests some actions churches can take.

Available for download in English, Portuguese, and Malagasy.

Voice of churches vital during UN women’s rights talks

As the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68) drew to a close, a look back shows that, this year, the World Council of Churches (WCC), through its Ecumenical Office to the United Nations, brought many voices to the table to speak on gender equality, women's rights, and empowerment. 

Um Guia para as Igrejas sobre a Prevenção da Fístula Obstétrica

WCC Human Rights programme

Este guia tem como objetivo sensibilizar igrejas e comunidades religiosas sobre a condição catastrófica que é a fístula obstétrica – uma lesão que ocorre no parto, geralmente devido a trabalhos de parto prolongados e obstruídos que não recebem intervenção médica em tempo hábil. A fístula obstétrica pode ter consequências físicas, emocionais e econômicas devastadoras para as mulheres, podendo inclusive levar a deficiência permanente.

Dirigentes religiosos unidos por la paz climática en solidaridad con los refugiados impulsan la conferencia de la ONU

Dirigentes religiosos de unas cuarenta organizaciones confesionales del mundo entero acordaron seguir defendiendo el derecho individual a solicitar asilo durante una reunión en Ginebra en la víspera del Foro Mundial sobre los Refugiados, el encuentro internacional sobre este asunto de mayor relevancia mundial. El hito se produjo en un evento celebrado el 12 de diciembre en el Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI), que presidió un arzobispo armenio y una diplomática de la ONU que fue legisladora en Turquía.

Religiöse Führungspersönlichkeiten setzen sich gemeinsam und in Solidarität mit Geflüchteten für Klimafrieden ein und geben der UN-Konferenz neue Impulse

Als religiöse Führungskräfte von rund 40 glaubensgeleiteten Organisationen aus der ganzen Welt während einer Zusammenkunft in Genf beschlossen, das individuelle Recht auf Asyl zu verteidigen, war dies ein Höhepunkt am Vorabend des Globalen Flüchtlingsforums, der weltweit größten Versammlung dieser Art. Die Teilnehmenden trafen sich am 12. Dezember auf einer eintägigen Veranstaltung beim Ökumenischen Rat der Kirchen (ÖRK) unter Vorsitz eines armenischen Erzbischofs und eines UN-Diplomatin, die früher einmal türkische Abgeordnete war.

Les responsables religieux-ses s’unissent pour la paix climatique, en solidarité avec les personnes réfugiées, et encouragent la conférence de l’ONU

Les responsables religieux-ses d’une quarantaine d’organisations confessionnelles du monde entier se sont mis-es d’accord pour continuer à défendre le droit individuel de demande d’asile, lors d’une réunion à Genève. C’était un moment fort à la veille du Forum mondial sur les réfugiés, le plus grand rassemblement international de ce type au monde. Ils et elles se sont réuni-e-s le 12 décembre, au Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE), sous la présidence d’un archevêque arménien et d’une diplomate des Nations unies, ancienne législatrice turque.

Religious leaders uniting for climate peace in solidarity with refugees, boost UN conference

The moment religious leaders from around 40 faith-based organisations worldwide agreed to keep defending the individual right to seek asylum during a gathering in Geneva marked a high point on the eve of the Global Refugee Forum, the world's biggest such international gathering.They met at a one-day event on 12 December at the World Council of Churches (WCC), chaired by an Armenian archbishop and a UN diplomat who was once a Turkish legislator.

A Guide for Churches on the Prevention of Obstetric Fistula

WCC Human Rights programme

This guide aims to raise awareness in churches and church communities of the catastrophic condition of obstetric fistula—a childbirth injury usually caused by prolonged, obstructed labour without timely medical intervention. Obstetric fistula can have devastating physical, emotional, and economic consequences for women and can even result in permanent disability.

It introduces readers to obstetric fistula and explains why churches need to be concerned. It discusses how churches can help prevent the condition from occurring in the women in their congregations and local communities. It also offers practical and emotional support and encouragement to those who are suffering with obstetric fistula. Finally, this guide outlines the advocacy work being done and suggests some actions churches can take.

Available for download in English, Portuguese, and Malagasy.

At peace conference, WCC focuses on overcoming racism

Dr Masiiwa Ragies Gunda, World Council of Churches (WCC) programme executive on Overcoming Racism, Racial Discrimination, and Xenophobia, recently attended and spoke at a Church and Peace Conference in the Netherlands. Exploring the theme Overcoming Racism in the Church,” the conference drew nearly 100 people from 15 European and non-European countries. 

ACT Alliance general secretary: “equity is not negotiable”

As the 78th session of the UN General Assembly and the first-ever Climate Action Summit were held in New York City in September, ACT Alliance general secretary Rudelmar Bueno de Faria reflected on the importance of the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the ecumenical movement in creating a more sustainable and equitable world.

Celebratory event discusses Black leaders’ contributions to WCC

A public online celebration and panel discussion on 31 August, They too were Gathered: Paying homage to Black peoples contributions to 75 years of World Council of Churches (WCC),” uncovered the contributions of Black people from different parts of the world in the formation and growth of the WCC.