Who Do We Say That We Are?
Christian Identity in a Multi-Religious World
Specs: 84 pages; A5; paper; perfect bound; 4-colour cover
Topic: Interreligious Dialogue / Christianity
ISBN: 978-2-8254-1675-4
Price: Price: CHF 7.00; £5.00; €5.00; $7.00; May 1, 2016
Rights: World, all languages
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Who Do We Say That We Are
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Ecumenical document on interfaith relations
“A charter for interreligious learning as part of the common Christian life, Who Do We Say That We Are? is an ecumenical document on interfaith relations that asks not so much, ‘What do we think of them?‘ as ‘How are our Christian self-understandings changed and enriched by engagement with our neighbours’ faith?’”
— S. Mark Heim, Samuel Abbot Professor of Christian Theology, Andover Newton Theological School, Massachusetts