Cover Image: I Belong: Biblical Reflections on Statelessness

I Belong: Biblical Reflections on Statelessness

Biblical Reflections on Statelessness
Edited by:
Semegnish Asfaw

A dozen theologians from across regions and confessions offer Bible studies for individuals, groups, and congregations to understand and address the vital personal, social, and religious concerns raised for and by stateless persons and their plight.

Specs: 144 pages; A5; paper; perfect; 4-colour cover
Price: 15.00 CHF; £10.00; €12.00; $15.00
ISBN: 978-2-8254-1686-0
Shelving/Topics: Bible / Spirituality
Rights: World, all languages

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I Belong Vol 1 (3.87 MB)
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The Alien among You

In an era marked by migration, refugees, and displacement, the growing problem of stateless persons calls for attention and engagement by Christians everywhere.

Estimated at 10 million persons worldwide, stateless persons are often hidden in our very midst yet have no legal identity and so no access to basics like education, jobs, banking, or travel. They are neighbours in need.

The biblical record challenges all of us to see for the first time those among us who are have no nationality—the ultimate marginalization.

In this volume, a dozen theologians from across regions and confessions offer Bible studies for individuals, groups, and congregations to understand and address the vital personal, social, and religious concerns raised for and by stateless persons and their plight.

Semegnish Asfaw is a programme executive in the area of Public Witness in the World Council of Churches. Among her prior publications is The Invisible among Us: Hidden, Forgotten, Stateless (2016).