Red book cover with candles on a black background symbolising a journey

Good News about HIV Treatment, Cure, and Healing

Conversations between Faith Leaders and Communities in Nigeria
Gracia Violeta Ross
Wushishi Yusuf
Yusuf Saidu Mohammed

A Discussion Document 

HIV treatment is very effective and tolerable nowadays. However, some faith leaders, out of misinformation, continue spreading messages of exclusive healing by faith, asking people living with HIV to abandon their medications as proof of their faith in God.

In Good News about HIV Treatment, Cure, and Healing, the initiators of the conversations and the discussants analyzed the concepts of treatment, cure, and healing in HIV, using principles of Christian and Muslim theologies, and concluded that faith communities have the mandate to heal. They discussed the six recent six cases of people with HIV who have been declared cured, which sparks hope for a definitive cure for all. Meanwhile, faith communities must support people living with HIV in adhering to their treatment. Medications and treatments are part of the healing touch of God, who is the ultimate source of healing.

Specs: 22 pages _ 4pages cover; A4 size; Print and PDF; 4-colour
ISBN: 978-2-8254-1856-7
Shelving/Topics: Religion/Health/HIV
Rights: World, all languages
Price: $15.00    GBP 11.75    € 13.75

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