Faith and Order Papers Digital Edition
The Faith and Order Papers have their origins in the American east coast in the beginning of the 20th century.
The first leaders of the movement on Faith and Order were then mobilizing churches in the USA and worldwide around the idea of calling a world conference on matters of doctrine and church order that kept the churches apart, with a view to helping them to achieve visible unity.
Publication of official and unofficial texts directly related to the meaning, aims, and activities of the movement soon became one of their priorities. As early as 1913, a report on the work in progress of the movement included one of the first lists of “Faith and Order Papers” (see document wccfops1.027, p. 21-22).
The Faith and Order Papers constitute today a unique century-old library that documents not only progress in modern ecumenical theology but also the circumstances in which this progress has taken place. They give access not only to final reports of studies or of world conferences, but also to detailed records of plans and the implementation of plans that led to those results and to the documentation about the churches’ movement from separation to reunion.
This collection is in fact a collection of collections. Several successive “papers” record, for instance:
• the fast-growing appointment of commissions on faith and order throughout the world during the 1910s and 1920s;
• a small series was dedicated to frequently asked questions about the Movement on Faith and Order before the 1927 World Conference;
• another sub-collection includes reports of church union negotiations throughout the world from the 1950s to 2006;
• the many minutes of the meetings of the different Faith and Order governing bodies provide rich information about ecumenical theological work in progress;
• two publications, of 1963 and 1993, constitute together a comprehensive documentary history of Faith and Order;
• a series of “papers” published in the 1980s gathered together the churches responses to the landmark document Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry.
The library is numbered in two series. The papers published by the movement on Faith and Order belong to series 1, which ended when the movement became the Commission on Faith and Order, following the establishment of the World Council of Churches in 1948. Ever since, the publications are numbered as series 2. For the sake of accurate documentation, this distinction was kept when each document received its new digital ID.
As we welcome you to the library, we rejoice in the privilege of protecting and sharing the memory of the work accomplished and, by so doing, assisting Christians and churches as they call each other to visible communion.
Odair Pedroso Mateus
Editor, Faith and Order Papers Digital Edition
This project was made possible with financial support from the Otto per Mille fund (OPM) of the Waldensian Church in Italy.
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Abstracts – Faith and Order Papers
Series 1, paper 1 Joint Commission Appointed to Arrange for a World Conference on Faith and Order. (Report and Resolution of the Protestant Episcopal Church suggesting the Conference and Report and Resolutions of National Council of the Congregational Churches.) No date or number on pamphlet.
Series 1, paper 2 Joint Commission Appointed to Arrange for a World Conference on Faith and Order. (Report and Resolution of the Protestant Episcopal Church suggesting the Conference.) No number or date. Page 8 blank.
Series 1, paper 3 Joint Commission Appointed to Arrange for a World Conference on Faith and Order. Report of the Committee on Plan and Scope.
Series 1, paper 12 Joint Commission Appointed to Arrange for a World Conference on Faith and Order. The World Conference and the Problem of Unity
Series 1, paper 13 Virorum Congressui Omnium Gentium de Fide et Ordine Instituendo Communiter Delectorum Ad Conclium Episcopale Ecclesiarum Catholicarum Veterum Europaearum Epistola. (Letter to the Council of the Old Catholic Churches in Europe. In Latin, with English translation.)
Series 1, paper 14 Joint Commission Appointed to Arrange for a World Conference on Faith and Order. An Official Statement by the Joint Commission of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America.
Series 1, paper 15 Joint Commission Appointed to Arrange for a World Conference on Faith and Order. Prayer and Unity. By a Layman. See Appendix, Note B.
Series 1, paper 16 Joint Commission Appointed to Arrange for a World Conference on Faith and Order. Questions of Faith and Order for Consideration by the Proposed Conference
Series 1, paper 17 Joint Commission Appointed to Arrange for a World Conference on Faith and Order. Bibliography of Topics Related to Church Unity
Series 1, paper 18 Joint Commission Appointed to Arrange for a World Conference on Faith and Order. Unity or Union: Which ?
Series 1, paper 19 Joint Commission Appointed to Arrange for a World Conference on Faith and Order. The Conference Spirit. By a Layman
Series 1, paper 20 Joint Commission Appointed to Arrange for a World Conference on Faith and Order. The Manifestation of Unity
Series 1, paper 21 Joint Commission Appointed to Arrange for a World Conference on Faith and Order. List of Commissions Already Appointed. Small pages.
Series 1, paper Revised with additional appointments, in successive editions. Small pages.
Series 1, paper Revised with additional appointments, in successive editions. Small pages.
Series 1, paper Revised with additional appointments, in successive editions. Small pages.
Series 1, paper Revised with additional appointments.
Series 1, paper Revised with additional appointments, in successive editions. Small pages.
Series 1, paper Revised with additional appointments, in successive editions. Large pages.
Series 1, paper Revised with additional appointments, in successive editions. Large pages.
Series 1, paper Revised with additional appointments, in successive editions. Large pages.
Series 1, paper Revised with additional appointments, in successive editions. Small pages.
Series 1, paper Revised with additional appointments, in successive editions. Small pages.
Series 1, paper 23 The World Conference for the Consideration of Questions Touching Faith and Order. Report of the Joint Commission to the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, 1913.
Series 1, paper 24 The World Conference for the Consideration of Questions Touching Faith and Order. A First Preliminary Conference.
Series 1, paper 25 The World Conference for the Consideration of Questions Touching Faith and Order. Report of the Committee on Church Unity of the National Council of Congregational Churches, 1913.
Series 1, paper 26 The World Conference for the Consideration of Questions Touching Faith and Order. A World Movement for Christian Unity
Series 1, paper 27 The World Conference for the Consideration of Questions Touching Faith and Order. Second Meeting of the Advisory Committee. Report of the Second Deputation to Great Britain. The Call for a Truce of God.
Series 1, paper 28 The World Conference for the Consideration of Questions Touching Faith and Order. The Object and Method of Conference.
Series 1, paper Reprint of 28, with changes on pp. 34-36.)
For more information, please contact:
Rev. Prof. Dr Odair Pedroso Mateus
Editor of the Faith and Order Papers Digital Edition
World Council of Churches
150, route de Ferney
1211 Geneva 2
+41 227916070
[email protected]