Emilio Castro: A Legacy of Passionate Ecumenism
Translated by Tony Coates
Foreword by Wesley Granberg-Michaelson
Originally published as Pasión y compromiso con el Reino de Dios: el testimonio ecuménico de Emilio Castro, by Kairós, Buenos Aires (2007)
Specs: 194 pp; 6 x 9"; paper; perfect; 4-colour cover
ISBN: 978-2-8254-1711-9
Rights: World, English edition
Price: CHF 20.00; $ 20.00; € 17.00; £12.00
Topic/Shelving: Christianity / Ecumenism
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“Life is marked by different stages, which are part of our ongoing pilgrimage … part of the mosaic of life that we are all building step by step.”—Emilio Castro (1927-2013)
This is the engaging story of the first Latin American to serve the World Council of Churches as general secretary. A fervent believer in the power of the spoken word, Emilio Castro used his oratorical abilities to call for social change and ecumenical engagement throughout a career that took him from his native Uruguay to the halls of world power. How apt it is then that this biography, based on an extensive series of interviews in 2006, includes Castro’s own vivid re-telling of many of those moments.
“Emilio made his contribution to the World Council as a general secretary whose door was always open, exploring new possibilities and relationships, but also while keeping our continent in his heart …” —José Míguez Bonino (1924 – 2012)
Carlos A. Sintado, from Argentina, is an ordained minister of the Methodist Church who worked in the WCC for more than 20 years and holds a doctorate from Drew University.
Manuel Quintero Pérez is an elder of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Cuba who has served the World Student Christian Federation, Latin American Council of Churches, and WCC.
Tony Coates has been translating for the WCC since 1982. He is an ordained minister of the United Reformed Church in the United Kingdom.