Cultivate and Care
Specs: 32 pages; size; paper; perfect; 4-colour cover
ISBN: 978-2-8254-1738-6
Shelving/Topics: Religion/Climate
Rights: World, all languages
Price: $20.00 GBP 15.75 € 18.50 17.50 CHF
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According to the Faith and Order document Come and See: A Theological Invitation to the Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace, Faith and Order, “among the deplorable effects of injustice and violence, which have drastic effects especially upon people living in poverty and augur tragic consequences for future generations, [are] the degradation, objectification, exploitation, and commercialization of God’s creation.”
Addressing human behaviour that is responsible for climate devastation constitutes not “merely one justice issue to be set alongside other justice concerns,” but rather, as the Faith and Order Commission’s theological reflection on the churches’ pilgrimage of justice and peace states, one “of foundational importance for all existence and identity.”
Christian communities may not in conscience ignore this crisis and the pathos of a threatened creation. “If the churches are to be in pilgrimage together, it can only be in the context of journeying toward the unity of the church within creation.” The situation demands that the churches’ journey toward visible unity must include a sustained dialogue with a theology for justice for and within creation and seek ways to put the fruits of that dialogue into practice.