Common Threads
Specs: 264 pages; 6.67 x 9.67"; paper and PDF; perfect; 4-colour cover
ISBN: 978-2-8254-1776-8
Shelving/Topics: Religion/Ecclesiology/Ecumenism
Rights: World, all languages
Price: $37.50 GBP 29.25 € 34.50 32.75 CHF
For orders: [email protected]
Chapter 1: Visible Unity and Mutual Recognition, Susan Durber
Chapter 2: Communion and Koinonia, Ellen K. Wondra
Chapter 3: Apostolic Faith in Relation to the Historic Episcopate, Authority, and Primacy, Paul Meyendorff
Chapter 4: The Role and Authority of the Laity, Glenroy Lalor
Chapter 5: The Threefold Ministry, Paul Meyendorff
Chapter 6: The Relationship between the Local and Universal Church, Maria Munkholt Christensen
Chapter 7: Ecumenical Councils, Bishop Maxim (Vasiljevi´c)
Chapter 8: ‘Experience’ in the Life of the Church, Maria Munkholt Christensen
Chapter 9: Ecumenical Reception, Ellen K. Wondra
Chapter 10: The Church and Mission, Glenroy Lalor
Chapter 11: The Church: In and for the World, Stephanie Dietrich
Chapter 12: Sacraments and Sacramentality of the Church, Bishop Maxim (Vasiljevi´c)
Chapter 13: Legitimate Diversity, Andrzej Choromanski
Chapter 14: Authority, Susan Durber
Chapter 15: The Role of Women in the Church, Susan Durber
Chapter 16: The Theme of Sin in Relation to the Church as Such, Georgios D. Martzelos
What Are the Churches Saying about the Church? Key Findings and Proposals from the Responses to The Church: Towards a Common Vision