assisi report cover image

A Liturgical Opportunity; an Ecumenical Kairos

An Emerging Consensus to Enhance the “Feast of Creation” and Honour the Creator

An Emerging Consensus to Enhance the “Feast Of Creation” and Honour the Creator - The story so far

In March 2024, over a hundred delegates from all continents gathered in Assisi – with many more connecting remotely – to consider the idea of elevating the “Feast of Creation” from its current “world day of prayer” status to become a liturgical feast.

This report tells the “story” of that remarkable gathering, describing the origin of the observance, the theological and liturgical dialogues carried out in Assisi, and the extraordinary consensus that emerged. It also provides some framing of the theological and liturgical questions that remain open, and proposes next steps and directions for ongoing discernment during 2024-2025. Our hope is that this story will be a useful resource as our conversation is taken forward in different denominational contexts.

Specs: 39 pages; A4 size; PDF; 4-colour cover and interior
Shelving/Topics: Religion/Climate

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