Almighty Master, the help and salvation of the world; the redeemer and Savior of the sick; the physician and aid of the ailing; the healer of the sorrows of mankind’s bodies and souls; who vanquished death: our God.
We now beseech You, cleanse and rid us of every malady of body and soul. Lord be not far from us. Send down upon us Your heavenly power of healing. Cast far from us every lurking illness. Grant us aid in this time of pandemic and deliver us from every evil, grief and sorrow.
End this present scourge and now grant us patience, O Lord. Uplift us and be physician to us all. Raise us from our bed of pain and from our bedding of affliction. Accept the entreaties of doctors and nurses and all whose efforts serve and minister to the sick. They offer care and comfort. In Your love of mankind, aid them. By Your power strengthen them. To those who have succumbed to this accursed, illness and are now departed from us, grant them repose in a place of refreshment. They are Your servants and our brothers and sisters. Restore us who hope in You to Your Holy Church, healed and in health, to worship and glorify Your holy name. For it is Yours to show mercy and to save, O Christ our God, and to You we give the glory: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and always and unto the ages of ages. Amen.