God of the nations, we your people come to you in prayer acknowledging that in your sight, the nations are like a drop from a bucket, and are accounted as the dust on the scales.
We come before you, humbly, mindful that the Most High rules in the affairs of humanity, and gives it to whom you will.
We know that you bring the counsel of the nations to naught; that you make the thoughts of the people to be of no effect.
We confess that as the nations of the world, we have not always sought your counsel and have done what seemed good in our own eyes, to the detriment of ourselves and our environment.
Forgive us, we pray and may we be reconciled to you as we repent of the wrong we have done.
We believe God, that your counsel stands fast for ever to all generations; and that the truth of your Word is without question in declaring that:Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen for his own inheritance.
Loving God, as we hold before you today in prayer the summit between Presidents Biden and Putin, we bring before you all the leaders of the nations of the world.
May you guide them in the ways of peace and justice. Grant wisdom to all in authority so that as they govern,we will be delivered from the sin which results in war and violence.
May our lives be ordered in such a way that the nations of the world together,may indeed be a reflection of the Kingdom of God.
As these two world leaders meet at this time, may you place around them counsellors and advisors,whose passions lie beyond the interests of the Russia and the United States of America. May their vision be broadened beyond the good of their national well-being,to include the good of all humanity and the betterment of the world’s environment.
Gracious God, through the work of the Holy Spirit, make of these two nations and all nations of the world divine instruments that promote peace, freedom, justice and righteousness.
May this meeting and others like it,bring to an end the evil being meted out to each other in varied ways.
Give, we pray to all people a genuine love of peace and order.
May Christ’ love move the world to reconciliation and unity,so that all the nations shall learn war no more.
And my you hasten the day when the kingdoms of the world shall become the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ where he shall reign for ever and ever.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Amen