Share the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle
The Ecumenical Prayer Cycle belongs to the ecumenical movement at large.
Please feel free to include the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle on your website or on your blog. There are different ways to do so. All the snippets provided here will connect your web page to the one of the World Council of Churches, ensuring that the content is updated every week.
The prayer cycle is also available in French, German and Spanish.
For Blogger and websites compatible with Web Gadgets
A Web Gadget is an easy way to plug dynamic content into a blog. In Blogger, all you need to do is to configure the layout of your page, click "Add Gadget" and select "HTML/Javascript". The dialogue box asks you for HTML code.
You can copy this snippet and save the widget.
<div style="border:solid 1px #ddd; width:300px; background-color:#fff;"> <iframe src="" allowTransparency="true" width="300" height="400" scrolling="no" frameborder="0">Your browser doesn't display Frames</iframe> </div>
For other websites
If you have access to the HTML code of your web page, you can copy and paste the previous snippet of code into your page.
Include the prayer cycle on the server side with PHP
The prayer cycle can also be included so that it becomes part of a page. In PHP, the following piece of code will do the job:
<?php $handle = fopen("", "rb"); $contents = stream_get_contents($handle); fclose($handle); echo $contents; ?>
Please note that this will provide you raw unstyled content.