We are thankful for:
- the rich historic and cultural legacies that have come to the world from these lands.
- Franco-German friendship, reconciliation and cooperation that has emerged since the hostilities of the second world war.
- how churches and governments in France and Germany have welcomed new immigrants.
- the generosity in supporting ecumenical, interfaith and development work in the world.
We pray for:
- overcoming fears and suspicions that still remain from 20th century atrocities, and more recent terrorist attacks.
- churches and governments to effectively counter anti-immigrant populist sentiments in these countries so that they truly will become more multi-ethnic.
- economic decisions that are accountable to those who are most vulnerable and not only to those making a profit.
- election of political leaders who will further the common good not only for their country but for the sake of Europe and the rest of world.
O Holy Spirit
Spirit of patience, Spirit of humility,
Spirit of revelation, Spirit of truth,
Breath of God, we worship you.
Spirit of confidence, Spirit of hope,
Spirit of peace, Spirit of joy,
Breath of God, we worship you.
Spirit of sacrifice, Spirit of forgiveness,
Spirit of light, Spirit of beauty,
Breath of God, we worship you.
Spirit of holiness, Spirit of purity,
Spirit of unity, Spirit of communion,
Breath of God, we worship you.
Spirit of the Father, Spirit of the Son,
Come, Holy Spirit!
Confession of faith
I believe that God loves us.
I believe that God stands patiently at our side.
I believe that when we hold out our hand
God takes it to help us discover peace and joy.
God invites us to take on a new identity,
as sons and daughters, following Jesus Christ.
I believe that Jesus Christ came to embody God’s love.
I believe that that love has been given in his acts and words
to men and women like us.
I believe that he gave himself to God
to make God’s Kingdom come.
I believe that his suffering testifies to the pain God feels
in the face of human suffering.
I believe that his rising from the dead demonstrates
that God is present in all our darkness.
I believe that the Holy Spirit enables us to receive God’s love.
I believe that the Holy Spirit is at work in the world today,
and that he is sending a great company of men and women on their journey.
I believe that the Holy Spirit helps us recognize the signs of the Kingdom in the here and now.
I believe that within the Christian community
the role is passed on to keep watch and to tell our hope to the world.
Morning prayer
I thank you, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, your dear Son,
that you have kept me this night from all harm and danger;
and I pray that you would keep me this day also from sin and every evil,
that all my doings and life may please you.
For into your hands I commend myself,
my body and soul, and all things.
Let your holy angel be with me,
that the evil foe may have no power over me.
(Marthin Luther (1483-1546))
Dismissal and Blessing
We go on our way
to act in accord with Jesus’ words and deeds,
to be the salt of the earth,
to seek justice,
to build peace,
to protect the creation,
and to gain life. Amen.
(Amelie zu Dohna)