
23 November 2022, Bethlehem, Palestine: Christmas decorations are alit along Star Street in central Bethlehem.



We are thankful for:

  • lands and monuments sacred in the origins of Judaism, Christianity and Islam
  • those who unceasingly work for peace and reconciliation in the Holy Land
  • the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel
  • those who continue to welcome the multitudes of refugees in their lands.

We pray for:

  • ending the violence racking this region, that the people might live together in peace, security and respect for each other
  • those who have grown weary and disillusioned in searching for solutions
  • an end to religious differences being exploited to perpetuate conflict and further displacement of people
  • political leaders who will courageously bring about justice and reconciliation for the sake of all.


A Prayer for Jerusalem

O God of Sarah and Abraham,
our tears are mixed with yours,
weeping for the cities in the world.

We weep for the holy cities and especially for Jerusalem:
where brothers and sisters kill each other,
where hatred feeds and nourishes anger,
where animosity blinds mercy,
where religions divide,
as children learn to hate and the elderly nurse old grudges.

We see, and we grieve;
and yet we have not loved the things that make for peace.
So we pray:

We weep for oppressed cities, and in particular for Jerusalem:
where rigid laws imprison freedom,
where thinking is confined and conscience is abated,
where those who question are branded as traitors,
where creativity and righteousness are beaten,
where pluralism is chained.

We weep for all cities, and for Jerusalem.
We see and we grieve;
and yet we have not learned the things that make for peace.
So we pray:

With Jesus weeping over Jerusalem, we pray:

Teach us to walk the way that leads to life.
Transform our grief into determination,
our tears into action,
and our acts into a just peace.

(From “Jerusalem: The City of Justice and Peace,“ a worship liturgy prepared by Palestinian theologians and laity for World Week for Peace in Palestine Israel 2013, available at; adapted)

An excerpt from the Coptic anaphora

O King of peace, give us your peace,
establish for us your peace, and forgive us our sins.
Bless us all, purify our hearts.
Heal the sickness, of our souls and our bodies.
We worship you, O Christ,
with your good Father,
and the Holy Spirit,
for you have come to save us.
Have mercy on us.

(Coptic hymn in the form of prayer from the Coptic Anaphora)

A prayer by Christian, Jewish and Muslim clergy

Eternal God, Creator of the universe, there is no God but you.
Great and wonderful are your works, wondrous are your ways.
Thank you for the many splendored variety of your creation.
Thank you for the many ways we affirm your presence and purpose,
Thank you for the freedom to do so.
Forgive our violation of your creation.
Forgive our violence toward each other.
We stand in awe and gratitude at your persistent love
for each and all of your children:           
Christian, Jew, Muslim,
as well as those with other faiths.
Grant to all our leaders attributes of the strong;
mutual respect in word and deed,
restraint in the exercise of power,
and the will for peace with justice,
for all.
Eternal God, creator of the universe, there is no God but you. Amen.

(Excerpted from Current Dialogue 24/93, p.36)