Woman pushing a man in a wheelchair through crop fields

Nhaume Makavire pushes her husband, Henry Gwese, on their farm in Charumengwe, Zimbabwe. Gwese's legs were paralyzed by cerebral malaria, yet he and his wife continue farming. He uses an appropriately designed and fitted wheelchair provided by the Jairos Jiri Association with support from CBM-US.



We are thankful for:

  • the prophetic witness of churches to protest injustices and advocate good governance
  • efforts that have been made to stem the spread of HIV and AIDS and to treat those affected
  • economic progress that improves the lives of all
  • the iconic animals and minerals in these lands and measures to protect them from being exploited.

We pray for:

  • fair election of democratic governments to counter instability, violence and human rights abuses
  • stable economies that enable all people to prosper and live in justice and peace
  • effective measures to improve the health and life expectancy of all
  • the biodiversity and animals present in these lands, and measures to preserve them
  • the herders and farmers who continue to raise cattle and food, despite droughts and desertification.


Prayer for Botswana and Zimbabwe

Leader: Loving Father, on this day we remember Botswana and Zimbabwe. Grant that your love that endures forever will strengthen and encourage all the churches and peoples in your beautiful lands. Lord, in your mercy,

All: Hear our prayer.

Leader: Jehovah-Jireh, you know the needs of your children, even before they plead their case. We pray for all who toil in the fields – the farmers, the mothers, the old and young. Grant that their crops and livestock find nourishment. Where hunger and misery stalks families, may your children not want but find fulfilment. Lord, in your mercy,

All: Hear our prayer.

Leader: Holy Father, we pray for the leaders of Botswana and Zimbabwe. In their service to your people, may they be anointed with courage, integrity and wisdom to strive for welfare and prosperity for all, not just a few. As they lead the whole community of Southern African states, may all their plans and actions help bring enduring transformation for the entire region. Lord, in your mercy,

All: Hear our prayer.

Leader: The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; the statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes; the fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.

Gracious God, we pray that your statutes and your judgements be established. We pray for healing and justice where there has been conflict and pain. Grant your holy protection to the prisoner, the widow and the orphan. Lord in your mercy,

All: Hear our prayer.

Leader: Faithful God, the same yesterday, today and forever, we pray especially for the women and girls of Botswana and Zimbabwe.

As they rise with the morning African sun in villages and towns as care-givers, providers and workers, bless them;

as they teach and learn, guide them;

as they walk, drive and fly to find sustenance for their families, protect them.

Lord in your mercy,

All: Hear our prayer.

Leader: Almighty God, we commit all creatures, large and small, into your hands. After you saw the work of your hands, you called it good. Let it be so forever, in Jesus Christ our Lord.


© 2015 Marlon Zakeyo, Zimbabwe

Prayer from Botswana

Dear God, our builder,
you have all the building materials needed to construct our societies.
You have all the strength to put wisdom on all that has fallen apart in our lives.
You have the wisdom to reshape our world.
Inspire us with all your wisdom, strength and love,
to rebuild the broken walls in our community.

By Rev. Cheryl Dibeela, Gaborone, Botswana. Africa Praying: A Handbook on HIV/AIDS Sensitive Sermon Guidelines and Liturgy, ed. Musa W. Dube, WCC, 2003, pp.57, 175, 187-88.

Prayer from Zimbabwe

Lord God,
we give you thanks for sending your only Son to give us life.
In the midst of wealth we are crushed by poverty,
and while we are offered Christ-life in all its fullness,
we are surrounded by disease, death and destruction.
We are tempted to despair, and yet keep hoping,
knowing that you care.
At times we weep silent tears, and cry out with deep emotion.
We come to you, our only hope and refuge.
Thank you for the gift of laughter,
even when the going is tough.
With you, O Lord, we may be troubled but not destroyed.

By Rev. Farai Chirisa, Zimbabwe.