We are thankful for:
- individuals, churches and other organizations who remain committed to seeking healing, justice and truth
- the furthering of human rights and democratic institutions
- the ways in which those of different faiths and ethnicities are working together for the common good and for the needs of people and creation
- how churches, from out of what people are experiencing, have led global ecumenical work for an economy that serves life.
We pray for:
- greater respect for Indigenous people and greater acceptance of all peoples across bounds of ethnicity and religion
- The protection of children from violence and abuse, and recognition of their rights and dignity
- effective help and empowerment for those who live in poverty and other marginalizing situations
- those who protect and care for the region’s threatened soil, forests, waters, glaciers
- truth and justice in continuing investigations to find those responsible for crimes against humanity, and continued healing for those affected
- economic development that benefits all and effectively addresses the systemic factors that impede it.
The creed of the pilgrim God
We believe in a pilgrim God,
who crosses frontiers, boundaries and barriers,
who leaves his greatness behind and meets us on the way
and comes to us holding out his hand.
‘I am the Lord, your God, I care for you, I am coming with you.’
We believe in Jesus Christ, who walked on our earth,
who was born homeless, who found no place to lay his head,
wandering, journeying, even when a child pursued.
He revealed justice, brought people peace,
and played out his life even unto death itself.
We believe in the Spirit, who shapes and polishes us,
with blasts of wind and sand,
who gives us courage to witness
to the boundless grace of God.
(Margarita Ouwerkerk, Argentina)
God of life,
you put in human beings
the imprint of your image and likeness
and made us to participate with you in your creation.
Forgive our incapacity to respect and protect life in all its forms.
God of justice,
you call us to travel this path
which is the only route leading to true peace.
Forgive our daily acts of injustice
which condemn many, many persons to death
by hunger, exclusion and war,
and lead us to the abyss of endless violence.
God, incarnate in history,
forgive us because we imprison you in our dogmas,
limiting you to our religious institutions
and crucifying you alongside the vulnerable of our time.
O God, strengthen us in our daily work for a world more just,
accepting differences, built on diversity.
Renew our commitment to peace with justice,
a commitment which denounces the arrogance
of those who believe that they are powerful
and own the lives of all the rest.
Give us a vision to banish violence in all its forms.
Establish as the foundation of our lives,
and the lives of our people,
respect, equality, truth and justice.
(Bishop Nelly Ritchie, Buenos Aires, Argentina. © Red de Liturgia del CLAI; English transl. Terry MacArthur, WCC)
O God, Lord of the wind and the sea,
of the mountains and the valleys,
of the world and of the church:
in the midst of fear and insecurity
give us trust and hope in you.
We live in a world
where the gales of power
blow strong enough to shake life itself,
where from the arrogant and the interests of the powerful
roll the waves of injustice and violence.
We pray for those suffering
because of their poverty, their ignorance,
their limitations,
because of their colour or status, social or sexual.
We think of your church sailing on a sea
where the waves of racism, militarism, sexism
and economic marginalization hurt human life.
Take care of your church and put in it
a sincere love for those who suffer,
a clear vision of your will,
healing, pastoral words for the needy,
and a valiant, prophetic proclamation
against those who create violence and pain.
O God, rebuke the uncontrolled wind of terrorism and war.
Turn it towards peace and human development
so that in place of lies, truth is strengthened,
in place of weapons, there are schools for all children,
in place of luxury, the world adorns itself
with bread for the hungry
and life blossoms everywhere.
O God, Lord of the wind and the sea,
may your strong mercy calm the whole earth.
In the name of Jesus Christ.
(© Bishop Aldo M. Etchegoyen, Evangelical, Methodist Church of Argentina.)