World Council of Churches Journals
The Ecumenical Review
01 January 1970 -
International Review of Mission
05 December 2017 -
Current dialogue
18 December 2018
The World Council of Churches produces three internationally respected Journals – The Ecumenical Review, International Review of Mission, and Current Dialogue – which explore breaking issues in their respective fields, and are published by Wiley on behalf of the WCC.
The Ecumenical Review explores emerging issues within the ecumenical movement and the potential and reality of Christian cooperation in faith and action.
International Review of Mission is the leading journal on missiology with contributions from all over the world and from various Christian backgrounds.
Current Dialogue focuses on interreligious dialogue, offering a platform for debate to those who want to build bridges across religious divides.
Subscriptions, managed by Wiley, are available to online and print editions of the journals, with special rates for WCC member churches.