In 2012, the World Council of Churches reported a relatively balanced financial outcome, with CHF 30 million in total income and CHF 30.1 million of total expenditure and transfers. Total income, gratefully received, was CHF 1.4 million higher than in 2011, the net increase including CHF 1 million in contributions for the assembly fund. The small net decrease to funds and reserves of CHF 82,000 varied considerably from the approved budget, which had projected a decrease in funds of CHF 1.5 million. The favourable financial outcome compared to budget included an extraordinary item, being a credit transfer of CHF 745,000 to Unrestricted Funds explained below. The financial results by fund compared to budget are set out in the section Net decrease in funds compared to budget 2012 below.
In addition to the Financial Report, you may wish to download the Appendix (pdf, 550 KB).