The World Council of Churches recognises the resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, in light of the long-maintained conspiracy of silence about the abuses of children by John Smyth. 

We note that the decision to resign is difficult for him, his family, the Church of England and the Anglican Communion. We commend his wisdom to take personal and institutional responsibility for the silence and inability to address the heinous abuses committed on children. His resignation is an indication of the commitment of his Church to take seriously the struggles and sufferings of victims of abuse in what supposed to be a safe and protected environment for all people.  

Our hearts and thoughts go out to the victims and families of those abused. We pray that the emotional scars and wounds you have suffered over the years may find God`s healing, peace and justice. 

Our prayers are also with the Church of England as you go through this difficult time and transition in leadership. May God grant you wisdom in the way forward as you address your internal challenges and how you may reach out and minister to victims and their loved ones. May the God of life, hope, love and truth guide us in all our paths. 

Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay
General secretary
World Council of Churches