For Christians in Aceh Singkil whose churches were burnt and torn down:

God of compassion, comfort them, strengthen their faith, and keep their hope alive.

In your mercy,

hear our prayer


For those who fled from their hometowns and villages and received dreadful threats:

God of refuge, guide them to the safe places, protect them from any harm,

and send generous people to provide their basic necessities.

In your mercy,

hear our prayer.


For churches in Indonesia, the Communion of Churches in Indonesia,

the Bishops’ Conference of Indonesia, and other church organizations in Indonesia:

God of wisdom, enable them to witness God’s mercy and love,

give them courage to strive for justice and peace,

empower them to realize the unity of the Body of Christ,

and inspire them to embrace with compassion and hospitality those who are different.

God, in your mercy,

hear our prayer.


For those who persecute others in the name of religion and plant discriminatory seeds,

whose hearts are full of hatred, selfishness and arrogance:

God of justice, forgive them, lead them to the path of righteousness,

and fill their hearts with love and compassion toward others who are different from them.

God, in your mercy,

hear our prayer.


For the government of Indonesia and for those in power:

God Almighty, open their minds and hearts, so that they see the injustices,

listen to the cry of the poor, the oppressed, and the minorities

have courage to uphold the fundamental human rights for all people,

and passionately serve the people of Indonesia.

God, in your mercy,

hear our prayer.