Steadfast God,   As we meditate on your life-giving Word, help us to find hope in your teaching, delight in your commands, courage in your Truth, and liberty in your Way. Amen.

One Spirit: an invocation 

We gather in the name of the Triune God +, who creates, redeems and sustains the Earth. 


One Hope

Psalm 46



Be Still, And Know That I Am God  





Steadfast God,  

As we meditate on your life-giving Word, help us to find hope in your teaching, delight in your commands, courage in your Truth, and liberty in your Way. Amen. 


Old Testament reading: Exodus 34:29-35

L:           Word of God, Word of life.


All:      Thanks be to God.


Time for silent reflections: 



Intercessory prayers 

Inspired with the Hope that calls us to reform and transform we pray for the world, the church and all those in need... 

God of mercy, throughout history your goodness prevails, open the hearts of all people to discover the deep bond of community. Show us your goodness and mercy that endure forever. 

Hear our prayer! 

God of peace, bend that which is inflexible, the identity barriers that divide, the attachments that thwart reconciliation. Bring peace in this world, especially for Canada and the United States of America, with whom we pray this week in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle. Restore wholeness among us and show us your mercy! 

Hear our prayer! 

God, our healer, come to our aid as COVID-19 continues to spread, heal those who are sick, protect families and friends from being infected. Support those in public health and medical services. Strengthen our resolve to eradicate all diseases, malaria, dengue, HIV & AIDS, and many others. Show us your mercy! 

Hear our prayer! 

God of justice, hasten justice for those suffering under the power of evil and every form of oppression and greed. Give new life to all. Show us your mercy! 

Hear our prayer! 

God, rock and fortress, protect refugees, those without homes or security, all the abandoned children. Help us always to defend human rights and dignity. Show us your mercy! 

Hear our prayer! 

God creator, all creation groans in expectation, convert us from exploitation. Teach us to live in harmony with your creation. Show us your mercy! 

Hear our prayer! 

God of mercy, strengthen and protect those who are persecuted for faith in you and those of other faiths who suffer persecution. Give us the courage to profess our faith. Your mercy endures forever. 

Hear our prayer! 

God of life, heal painful memories, transform complacency and indifference, inspire and sustain our ecumenical journey from conflict to communion, all of us branches on the one vine, Jesus Christ. Show us your mercy! 

Hear our prayer! 

Into your hands, gracious God, we commend all for whom pray, trusting in your mercy, through Jesus Christ.  



Lord’s Prayer 



May the love of God, 

the faith of Christ,  

and the hope of the Holy Spirit,  

guide us in peace. 


Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. And let us share a sign of peace with one another.