Opening prayer
We give you thanks and praise, Eternal God, for the gift of daily bread
and for every word that comes from your mouth.
We give you thanks that you are the vine, and we are your branches.
Provide us the nourishment we need to become ever more fruitful,
to gather strength from our inter-connectedness
so that we may flourish in communion with one another.
Forgive us our failure to offer a common cup to all believers
and a common witness to humanity.
Open our ears to receive your word, as we open our mouths for food and drink.
Open our minds and hearts, that we may understand, appreciate and share
all that you do for us, all that you give to us.
Open our lives, to one another and to the working of your Spirit,
that we may share your gifts and love with all the world. Amen
O, sing to the Lord a new song,
for he has done marvelous things.
O, sing to the Lord
Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth;
break forth into joyous song and sing praises.
Sing praises to the Lord with the lyre,
with the lyre and the sound of melody.
With trumpets and the sound of the horn
make a joyful noise before the King, the Lord.
O, sing to the Lord
Let the sea roar, and all that fills it;
the world and those who live in it.
Let the floods clap their hands;
let the hills sing together for joy.
O, sing to the Lord a new song,
for he has done marvelous things. (Psalm 98)
Hymn: Let all who are thirsty come
Word from Deuteronomy 10:1-5
At that time the Lord said to me, “Carve out two tablets of stone like the former ones, and come up to me on the mountain, and make an ark of wood. I will write on the tablets the words that were on the former tablets, which you smashed, and you shall put them in the ark.” So I made an ark of acacia wood, cut two tablets of stone like the former ones, and went up the mountain with the two tablets in my hand. Then he wrote on the tablets the same words as before, the ten commandments that the Lord had spoken to you on the mountain out of the fire on the day of the assembly; and the Lord gave them to me. So I turned and came down from the mountain, and put the tablets in the ark that I had made; and there they are, as the Lord commanded me.
One: Word of God, Word of life.
Many: Thanks be to God.
Silent reflection
Let us bring the needs of the church, the world, and all in need, to God’s loving care.
One: Today, we remember the churches and people in the Caribbean. Thanks be to you, O God, for the resilience, love and witness of the indigenous communities who have suffered centuries of oppression and for the church, and civil society leaders who have spoken out and acted on behalf of the poor and marginalised, risking their lives and often being martyred.
Many: God of mercy, hear our prayer.
One: Bring peace, O God, and an end to violence. Guide the rulers and governments to be accountable to the people and their welfare. We pray for comfort and healing for the families and loved ones of those who have been killed or disappeared, and for those responsible to be brought to justice.
Many: God of mercy, hear our prayer.
One: Open ways, O God, for improved economic life and trade policies in these countries so that people are not exploited and can pursue livelihoods rather than migrating elsewhere for work. Inspire them to strive for peace and justice, that all your children may dwell secure, free of war and injustice.
Many: God of mercy, hear our prayer.
One: Hear the cries of the world’s hungry and suffering. Give us the will to reorder our lives, that all may have their rightful share of food, medical care, and shelter. Continue to bless the lives of the farmers who make possible the production of food that your bountiful land gives us. Help them to get their rightful share of profit, and so have the necessities of a life of dignity. We pray for all victims of violence and injustice in our world today. May justice, reconciliation and hope become possible in the midst of hate and hurt.
Many: God of mercy, hear our prayer.
One: In the wake of the COVID-19 global pandemic, hear our cries for healing for all who are sick and for their families. We also pray, O God, for the physical, mental and spiritual health of all people for whom the effects of COVID-19 - has been prolonged, striking terribly, causing pain, mourning, sadness, anguish, despair, violence and depression. We pray that you will give us your power to become facilitating agents to bring words of comfort and healing to every person in need.
Many: God of mercy, hear our prayer.
One: Protect our colleagues in World Service country program and their families as they minister in areas, which expose them to heightened risk. Sustain and encourage them and all our member churches in their ongoing work.
Many: God of mercy, hear our prayer.
One: Sustain those among us who need your healing touch. Make the sick whole (brief silence), give hope to the dying (brief silence), comfort those who mourn (brief silence). Uphold all who suffer in body or mind, not only those we know and love but also those known only to you, that they may know the peace and joy of your supporting care.
Many: God of mercy, hear our prayer.
One: Sovereign God, raise your throne in our hearts that with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, we can say: we will not other gods. Strengthen us so that we may always give you what is yours, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.
Many: God of mercy, hear our prayer.
One: O God, in your loving purpose answer our prayers and fulfil our hopes. In all things for which we pray, give us the will to seek to bring them about, for the sake of Jesus Christ.
The Lord’s Prayer (in our many languages)
Our Father in heaven …
Prayer of commitment
One: May we always be hungry for righteousness;
Many: overcome injustices that brings about hunger!
One: May we always be hungry for peace;
Many: overcome insecurity, suffering and displacement!
One: May we always yearn to care for each other and the environment;
Many: so that the earth will remain abundant for all creation! Amen.
One: Let us bless the Lord.
Many: Thanks be to God.
The Lord bless us and direct our days and our deeds in peace. Amen.
One: Go in peace and serve the Lord
All: Thanks be to God
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