WCC Executive Committee, Amman, Jordan, 17-23 November 2017
The meeting of the World Council of Churches Executive Committee in Amman, Jordan, in November 2017 takes place at a time of dramatic developments in Zimbabwe, leading to the resignation of President Robert Mugabe after 37 years in power. These events seem likely to fundamentally change the longstanding political status quo in the country, following many years of deteriorating social, economic and political conditions in Zimbabwe.
The WCC Executive Committee and the members of the worldwide ecumenical movement are holding the churches and people of Zimbabwe in their prayers in this transitional transformative moment in their history.
The WCC Executive Committee, together with the ACT Alliance, welcome and affirm the joint statement of the Zimbabwe Council of Churches, the Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops Conference and the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe, issued on 15 November 2017, as reflecting the clear common mind and witness of the churches of the country in this critical moment. We affirm and endorse the call of the churches of Zimbabwe for prayer for the nation, for calm and peace, for respect for human dignity and rule of law, for a transitional government of national unity to oversee the transition towards free, fair and credible elections, and for an inclusive process of national dialogue to capture the aspirations of all sectors of Zimbabwean society and for building a democratic state under the rule of law.
We invite all WCC member churches and partners and all people of good will to accompany, support and pray for the churches and people of Zimbabwe on their path to a new Zimbabwe, a new station on their pilgrimage.
God of Life, lead Zimbabwe to justice and peace.