Geneva, 26 October 2009
Dear Martin,
It is a joy and encouragement to learn of your election at Chavannes, and to anticipate the contributions you will make as general secretary of the Lutheran World Federation.
Because there is one bread, we who are many are one,
for we all partake of the one bread.
Looking forward to the LWF Assembly next summer, we have been thinking about the themes of ministry, mission and the one bread we share in Jesus Christ. Through your election, the LWF Council has recognized your proven skills as a pastor, an advocate for witness and service within DMD and a champion of lively partnerships in the quest for Christian unity and the building of human community despite borders and boundaries.
We who have worked with you in the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva have long been grateful, too, for the spirituality and musical talent that you bring to our chapel services. It is the hope of your colleagues that a general secretary’s travel schedule will still leave time for you to share with us in common prayer and song. And to God alone be the glory!
May the triune God bless you, and the Lutheran World Federation, in the days ahead. If there is any way I can be of assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours in Christ,
Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia
WCC general secretary