What will happen now, Abigail was thinking while she was on her way to save her family. She was looking back on her life and feeling guilty for not being able to break the circle of violence in which she was trapped. What if... she already forgot how many times she imagined herself sorting out the obstacles, her invisibility, the many times she tried to prove to her husband how intelligent, how creative she was.
I am not just a beautiful woman. I am a strong, smart, brave, capable woman, she repeated to herself once again on her way to meet David. Her chance to prove one more time how valuable she was and how much she cares. I will manage to avoid all these men fighting each other. I don’t understand why violence is always the answer, why I am forced to live with someone who is not worthy, who does not recognize me as a partner, in my dignity as a human being. What will happen now? What if…
She made it. She convinced David her husband was wrong, unworthy, not a person to trust. David seemed like a different kind of person. He understood her willingness to preserve peace and protect her family. She thought again about the circle of violence she was living in. She proved herself courageous in order to protect her family, so why not get out of such an unhealthy relationship? How many times has she feared for her own life? What will happen when her husband hears her story with David? What will happen to her? But he was so drunk that he didn’t pay attention and when he knew everything it was such a shock for him to know his vulnerability and the fact Abigail saved his life that he died.
What will happen now, asked Abigail to herself. Then, David comes back….
Questions for further reflection
- Some years ago the theme of the 16 days against gender-based violence was “From Peace in the Home to Peace in the World”. Abigail is a biblical story that embodies women’s effort in building peaceful communities – Let us remember some of these women from our context today.
- Sometimes, in their personal lives, women are going through difficult moments and need support in their decisions. How can women feel supported in their decision to leave unhealthy and violent relationships?
- How can churches, communities be a place where women find comfort and support in their decisions to take control of their own lives?
Rev. Dora Arce Valentin, Cuba.
The impressions, hopes and ideas expressed in this reflection are the contributions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinion or policies of the World Council of Churches.