Prayer for Trust

O Christ Jesus.
When all is darkness and we feel our weakness
and helplessness, give us the sense of your presence,
Your love, and Your strength.
Help us to have perfect trust in 
Your protecting love and strengthening power,
so that nothing may frighten or worry us,
for living close to you. We shall see your Hand,
Your purpose, Your will through all  things.
By St. Ingatius of Loyola, 1491-1556

Change Us.
Our Father in Heaven
With Infinite love and grace.
Change us the way You want us to be.
So we can honor the image and spirit You have given us,
Let the World see Your Love and Grace, through our action and life.
We are praying to you in our Lord Jesus name. Amen
By Laijon Liu,©1998-2006 ICBS.Inc.

O God
You love justice and establish peace on earth.
We bring before you the disunity of today's world:
The absurd violence, and the many wars, which
are breaking the courage of the people of the world:
militarism and armaments race, which are threatening life on the planet:
Human greed and injustice, which breed hatred and strife.
Send Your Spirit and renew the face of the earth:
Teach us to be compassionate towards the whole human family:
Strengthen the will of all those who fight for justice and
for peace; lead all nations into the path of peace, and
give us that peace which the world cannot give. Amen

Textes liturgiques: Louons Dieu et célébrons la vie
© Masamba ma Mpolo et Mengi Kilandamoko, Zaïre, 1988

O God hear our Prayer
Grant us strength when we are tempted.
Grant us courage  when we are afraid.
Guide us when we do not know what to do.
Give us a cheerful heart when we are discouraged.
Comfort us when life brings us sorrow
Help us to be persevering when things are difficult.
May Your Love and Peace prevail so that nothing may take away our joy.
In Jesus' name we pray. Amen
By Diana Eapen © 1998-2006,ICBC,Inc. All Rights Reserved.

How can we?
  How can we break bread
and not remember those
who have no bread?
  How can we meet together  
and not remember those
separated from their families and friends?
  How can we shelter here
and not remember those
whose only shelter is a refugee camp or cardboard box?
  How can we speak of peace
and not remember those
whose peace is shattered by constant fear and the rattle of guns?
  How can we sing our hymns
and not remember those
who cannot openly express their religious beliefs?
  How can we offer our gifts
and not remember those
who are caught in the never-ending cycle of poverty and debt?
   How can we pour wine
and not remember those
who are imprisoned by addiction to bottle, needles or pills?
   How can we celebrate
and not remember those
who suffer from depression, mental illness or grief?

God of human experience
 born in a stable in Bethlehem
  Spirit alive in us today
In our breaking of bread and pouring of wine,
may we look outwards to the suffering of our world
 remembering the hope of your shalom.

© Clare McBeath and Tim Presswood [From Crumbs of Hope: Prayers from the City Inspire/ MPH, Peterborough UK 2006]

Prayer for Faith, Hope and Love

Let  us pray for Faith
            That it will be the fruit of right hearing
            That at all times there will be people.
            With an open mind and open  ears
            Who will listen sharply to your Word
            And pay attention to the needs around them
            We pray:
            Let us be  such people.

Let us pray for Hope
          That it will be the fruit of a living faith
          That at all times there will be people
          Growing towards the light
          Continuously filled with courage and never cease being hopeful:
          We pray:
          Let us be such people.

Let us pray for Love
          That she is the fruit of a living faith and hope
          That at all times there will be people
          Never giving up being alarmed
         About the continuing existence of the earth:
                    The care  for animals and entire environment
                    That lend assistance in friendship
                    That abolish loneliness
                    That help working out sorrow and grieve
                    That show sympathy with joy

We pray to Thee, O Lord
Let us recognize one another.
In deeds of Faith, Hope  and above all through Love.
©text by: Rev. Pieter Post  (1958)

O Christ, you are united to every human being  without exception.
Still more, risen from the dead, you come to heal the secret wound of the soul.
And  for each person the gates of an  infinite goodness of heart open wide.
Through such love, little by little our lives change.

© Brother Roger of Taizé , Ateliers et Presses de Taizé. 71250 Taizé, France.

Lord Jesus, you prayed that your disciples might be united with each other,
in a unity grounded in your oneness with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
May your prayer for unity grow in the depths of the hearts and minds of all
Christians.  May we be one in our words, that a single reverent prayer might
rise before you; may we be one in our yearning and pursuit of justice; may
we be one in love, serving you by serving the least of our sisters and
brothers.  Lord, make us one in you.  Amen.
© By Mgr Donald Bolen, used by permission.