Friends World Committee for Consultation
Founded in 1937 in response to a need for a place where Friends from the four traditions can relate to each other, the Friends World Committee for Consultation is composed of yearly meetings from around the world. Having no executive authority over its constituent yearly meetings, the FWCC aims both to promote a deeper understanding among Friends of different nations and faith traditions, and to represent Friends at world bodies such as the World Council of Churches, the Catholic Church, and the United Nations, where it holds general consultative status recognized by the Economic and Social Council. The office of the FWCC is in London.
The FWCC has 103 member yearly meetings, representing 368,000 Christians. The Friends United Meeting (28 Yearly Meetings) and the Friends General Conference (14 Yearly Meetings) in the USA, as well the Canadian Yearly Meeting are members of the WCC.
Periodical: Friends World News