Ahead of the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation, worship material has been prepared in different regions of the world, including two booklets with worship outlines for the four Sundays of Advent, meditations, stories and songs on peace.
Telling peace
The stories of peace in the first part of this book come from Africa, Latin America and Europe. The liturgical outlines for the four Sundays of Advent were put together by a group of liturgists and musicians who live in a variety of Asian contexts.
Liturgical resources for the four Sundays of Advent (pdf)
Songs for Peace
Sixteen songs from Asia are available for download as midi files or pdf (text and scores). They aim to express the motto that has been chosen for the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation: "Glory to God and Peace on Earth".
Imagine Peace
"Imagine: Peace" contains suggestions for services on the four Sundays in Advent, as well as Bible meditations that invite reflection on biblical aspects of peace and overcoming violence.
Songs for Peace
Twenty-one songs on "Glory to God and Peace on Earth" were developped during a workshop in Matanzas, Cuba, thas was jointly organized by the World Council of Churches and the "Crearte" network (Latin America). Scores include lyrics in English, French, German and Spanish. Click here to download or listen to the songs.