Side events:
Rooms may change. Please check back for updates.
Thursday, 23 June 2016
11-11:30am: Books exhibit opening, in the coffee break area
Friday, 24 June 2016
8-9am: Panel discussion “The Female Face of Justice and Peace: Norwegian Women Faith Leaders Journeying together in Solidarity with Pan African Women”, room 1 Mollenberg
1-2pm: Ecumenical Missiology book launch with Jooseop Keum, room 4 & 5 Grakallen & Lade Gard
Saturday, 25 June 2016
11-11:30am: Ecumenical Tweet-up, lounge space, upstairs from the plenary hall
8 -10pm: The Faith and Order Papers Project, room 1 Mollenberg
Sunday, 25 June 2016
2:30-3:30pm: Why is the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict a concern for the churches? room 4 & 5 Grakallen & Lade Gard