The commission aims to ensure that the prophetic voices of young people are present and heard within the WCC; and to empower young people through networking and ecumenical commitment on various levels. The commission consists of at least 20, and up to 30, young people between 18 and 30 years old.
“I am honored to meet the commissioners and also the new program executive for youth engagement, especially since this is our first meeting since the commission was formed last year,” said Puimera. “We are looking forward to several meetings that will help us understand our responsibilities as commissioners and assist us in forming working groups and electing the vice-moderator.”
Puimera added: “During the meeting, we got to know each other and learned from the commissioners from the previous period: Emily Evans, Celina Falk, and Maria Mountraki. They provided valuable insights into the workings of the commission and helped us figure out our next steps and how to establish continuity in youth leadership."
Additionally, the commission also learned from Spyridoula Fotinis and Emma van Dorp, who wrote the statement from the Ecumenical Youth Gathering at the WCC 11th Assembly in Karlsruhe in 2022.
“Their input also helped us revisit some of the issues that youth from across the globe were lamenting,” said Puimera. “It has also helped us to embark on the pilgrimage as youth in this ecumenical journey. In the next meeting, we will propose the venue for the first in-person meeting and discuss more about the working groups.”
The commission also shared reflections on “the goodness of God that I want to see,” taking time to write their reflections in the chat, and sharing with each other as a way of drawing together.
Rev. Dr Kuzipa Nalwamba, WCC programme director for Unity, Mission, and Ecumenical Formation, offered an overview of the WCC Strategic Plan.
“Coming out of the WCC 11th Assembly in particular, if you read the message from the youth gathering, it was very clear that the youth wanted to put on the agenda that ‘we are not future leaders, we are present leaders,’” she said. “This is the sphere in which your work is going to find expression.”