A special working group of the World Council of Churches Commission on World Mission and Evangelism met in Istanbul, Turkey this week to further explore the place and profile of transforming discipleship in the life and work of churches globally. During the meeting the group on “Transforming Discipleship” worked on a document drafting that could best depict the shape of discipleship in the light of the Arusha Call.
The group was hosted and advised by His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew who discussed with its members the procedure of drafting a statement on transforming discipleship. Among key aspects addressed were the de-centering of discipleship, the search for good news under colonial shadows, and the spirituality of discipleship. The group also addressed, from a missional perspective, the theme of the upcoming WCC assembly, “Christ’s love moves the world to reconciliation and unity."
The draft statement will be going through revisions and editing in the next few months. The document will be used primarily – but not only - as a springboard to the planning of different parts of the 11th WCC Assembly.
Learn more about the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism