
Since May 2020, these sessions have been instrumental for ecumenical partners to collaborate on health challenges, with a particular focus on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The forthcoming meeting's agenda revolves around opportunities and challenges for faith communities in mental health engagement, the unveiling of "Resilient Life Rhythm" pamphlets for Christian perspectives on mental health, and the practical experiences of church-led mental health initiatives in South Africa.

A diverse group of participants, including Christian health associations, regional ecumenical organizations, and attendees from the 2021 contextual Bible study workshops, will contribute to this collaborative discourse.

For more information, please go the event page

Starting times:

Peru, Jamaica - 07:00

New York - 08:00

Ghana, Sierra Leone - 12:00

Nigeria - 13:00

South Africa-  14:00

Geneva- 14:00

Kenya, Uganda - 15:00

India, Sri Lanka - 17:30

Bangladesh - 18:00

Thailand - 19:00