Rev. Dr Kenneth Mtata speaking

Rev. Dr Kenneth Mtata shares greetings from the World Council of Churches as a meeting of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) council takes place in Chavannes-de-Bogis, outside Geneva, Switzerland, gathering representatives of LWF member churches from around the globe for the communion's highest governing body between assemblies on 13-18 June 2024.


Christians, and perhaps most especially Lutheran Christians, have meditated deeply and perennially on human fallibility,” read the greeting. And we see today, in the many overlapping crises we face around the globe, ample confirmation of our failings, both individual and systemic.”

The theme for the Lutheran World Federation Council meeting is Abound in hope.”

The greeting reflected about such hope. We in the WCC see your work up close,” read the text. You are our close partners in so much that we do, and we are ever grateful.”

The World Council of Churches and Lutheran World Federation are tied together through faith, witness, and service, the greeting noted. 

We are, so to speak, co-conspirators—in the good, theological sense of the term!” the text said. It is important for ecumenical organisations and communions to work together to the glory of God and the good of the world, as God desires.”

The complexity and scale of todays challenges around the globe are daunting, the greeting noted. In your robust, multi-faceted programmes, grounded in the love we receive from God in Christ, you offer aid, understanding, and solidarity,” the message read. We are with you.”

Read the WCC Greetings to the 2024 LWF Council Meeting