The assembly theme is “Time of hope: Churches as actors in overcoming war and conflict.”
Bedford-Strohm’s greeting addressed the persistent barriers to peace, and how prayer is the most powerful force to widen empathy.
“I welcome very much that you have chosen for this meeting to focus especially on war and violent conflict,” he said. “The most persistent barrier against ways to peace are the walls we build to limit our empathy to our own reference group.”
Bedford-Strohm put further prayer as a most powerful force to widen our empathy.
“As Christians and as churches, we present a credible witness to the world only when we are also willing simultaneously to face and address our own shortcomings, failings, and patterns of inauthenticity,” he said. “Addressing the conflict, coercion, and violence implicit in ourselves, our relationships, our churches, and our institutions is a catalyst for addressing the overt violence and war around us.”