“This year marks a very significant one for the WCC as we celebrate our 75th anniversary since our formation in 1948,” he said. “We recognise with joy and thanksgiving our member churches and ecumenical partners who have remained faithful and committed to the WCC over these past years.”
Pillay began his tenure as the 9th WCC general secretary this year. “Having started formally in this role since January this year, it gives me great joy to present my very first report to the executive committee as general secretary,” he said, at the same time acknowledging that the world is in crisis.
“In the midst of all these, we may fail to understand what is going on,” he said. “We may even be tempted to question the presence of God. As we celebrate the witness, work and life of the WCC over the past 75 years, we remain assured that God is in control.”
After a joyful WCC 11th Assembly, the WCC leadership is now focusing on mapping a strategic plan to guide the global fellowship during the next eight years while, at the same time standing in solidarity with a suffering world.
“Acts of solidarity are most important in times of crises and disasters,” he said. “People don`t care how much we know until they know how much we care!”
Pillay reflected that the image of the body of Christ reminds us, when one part of the body suffers—the entire body suffers. “What happens to other human beings in the world should affect us as well,” he said.
The WCC executive committee is convening 22-26 May by video conference to conduct the regular business of the WCC for the first half of the year, and to review preparations for the central committee meeting 21-27 June in Geneva.
Report of the WCC general secretary at the WCC executive committee meeting, May 2023
WCC executive committee to convene, prepare for post-assembly period (WCC news release, 19 May 2023)
WCC leadership delegation meets with churches in Ukraine (WCC news release, 12 May 2023)