Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay

Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay presents his report to the WCC executive committee meeting in Bogota, Colombia, on 6 June.


Since the WCC executive committees last meeting, in November 2023 in Nigeria, the World Council of Churches has continued to walk, work, and pray on its Pilgrimage of Justice, Reconciliation, and Unity,” said Pillay. It has progressively implemented its 2023-2030 Strategic Plan through programmatic initiatives, consultations, and appointments.”

Pillay also noted that the WCC has grown stronger through solidarity, shared prayer, in-person visits, and robust communication. And it has engaged in intense and wide-ranging international advocacy, addressing the worlds most conflictive environments,” Pillay noted. As we know, the global challenges of the past years remain with us, and this year we see further challenges.”

Pillay also noted that we live in difficult times, dominated by wars, factions, climate emergencies, hunger, poverty, and injustices. In such a context the work of the WCC becomes ever more needed and relevant,” he said. Amidst these challenges, the WCC remains committed and faithful in proclaiming justice, peace, reconciliation, and unity to the world.”

We cannot tire in doing what we are called to do, he urged. In line with the WCC Pilgrimage of Justice, Reconciliation, and Unity, the executive committee meets here in Colombia as fellow co-pilgrims as we journey with the churches and people in this country in their quest for peace and security.”

Pillay concluded by noting that the WCC member churches and ecumenical partners have worked together to make a very strong and vibrant WCC. As everything around us may fall apart, let us as Christians be reminded that in Christ all things are held together.”

The WCC executive committee is meeting in Bogota, Colombia, from 6-11 June, where the governing body will focus not only on the business of the WCC but also on absorbing the life and witness of churches at the heart of the Pilgrimage of Justice, Reconciliation, and Unity.

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Report of the WCC general secretary at the executive committee in Bogota, Colombia

In Colombia, WCC executive committee will focus on life and witness of churches (WCC news release, 30 May 2024)

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