People in religious garb gathered outdoors in front of a set of microphones.

Press conference at the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate.


This Easter ceremony is one of the most important for the Orthodox and other Eastern churches, for the wider Christian community in the Holy Land, and for pilgrims attending from all over the world,” said WCC general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay. The restrictions include a limit of 2,000 on the number of worshippers (down from 10,000 in previous years), 200 police stationed inside the church, and security checkpoints throughout Jerusalems Old City (impeding access for worshippers and the subsequent procession).”

Pillay said that these restrictions affecting the Holy Fire ceremony are seen by the churches and Holy Land Christians as unnecessary and of profound impact on their religious freedom, spiritual wellbeing, and morale.

Church leaders in Jerusalem have in recent years made several joint statements highlighting the growing threat to the Christian community of the Holy Land from radical extremist elements in Israeli society,” said Pillay. The WCC calls on the Israeli authorities to reconsider these heavy-handed restrictions, and to refrain from measures that further imperil the continuity of Christian worship, life and community in the city and region from which our faith springs.”

Statement on Jerusalem – 12 April 2023 (WCC general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay)

Read statement from Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem