The Faith and Order Papers, comprising more than 300 documents and publications that embody more than 100 years of serious and sustained reflection on core issues of Christian faith, are planned to appear in electronic form for the first time.
The cumulative work of the Faith and Order Commission, the papers are an invaluable theological reference as well as indispensable historical window into the prolonged process by which ecumenical Christianity has engrained itself in the self-understanding of Christians around the world. Most of the material is not widely available, however, except in select libraries around the world and in the WCC Archives.
Discussion the WCC’s Central Committee meeting of the digital publishing possibilities during was chaired by Faith and Order moderator Rev. Dr Susan Durber and by Faith and Order director Rev. Dr Odair Pedroso Mateus. The project, a joint initiative of the commission and WCC Communications, will begin with digitization of the materials this summer, while finalizing possible publishing formats for the material. The digital project will be launched in 2018.