water bottles

With stories from across the world, the newsletter will highlight best practices, the voices of young people, news from the United Nations, and compelling photos. The newsletter will serve not only as a platform for members of the WCC Ecumenical Water Network but also as an inspirational tool for the ecumenical fellowship working toward making water and sanitation a reality for all people.

Bishop Arnold Temple, chairperson of the WCC Ecumenical Water Network is delighted with the launching of the monthly newsletter. “Across the world, there are countless stories of people bringing hope to their sisters and brothers who do not have access to clean water and sanitation amidst growing water stress around the world,” said Temple. “Water justice needs to become part of our daily narrative because these true stories become the catalyst for the changes we all need to make in our daily lives towards the realization of water and sanitation for all.”

Dinesh Suna, Coordinator of WCC EWN and Editor of the Newsletter feels that this initiative will strengthen the water network as it will amplify local stories of water justice to a global audience.

Click to read and download the WCC EWN newsletter