Members of the media are invited to attend a press briefing on Monday, 9 December 2019, by a high-level delegation of the World Council of Churches, which will be in the country on a social-justice mission to South Africa from 7-12 December 2019.
The South African Council of Churches (SACC) is hosting this visit by the World Council of Churches (WCC), which will include members of the WCC’s Churches’ Commission of the Churches on International Affairs, whose Moderator is Rev. Frank Chikane.
This important visit by the WCC is aimed at learning about two critical matters that have increasingly plagued our country, especially in recent months, that is: gender-based violence and femicide; an incidents of violence toward foreign nationals.
“South Africa has been in the headlines of the global media in recent months over the scourge of gender-based violence, femicide and attacks on foreign nationals. The churches of the world, through the WCC, have heard and wish to hear from us and various stakeholders how we see the situation and what we are doing about it, so that they can accompany us in any efforts we may be making,” said Bishop Mpumlwana, General Secretary of the SACC.
“South Africa has a very special place in the history and the heart of the WCC and its leadership, also today. The struggle for justice and human rights and dignity in the WCC Program To Combat Racism, contributed to change the reality in your country, but it also changed the churches worldwide. South Africa has been a lighthouse in the world for how to work together for truth, justice and peace, as churches seeking unity. Today we learn how the people in South Africa and in the neighbouring countries struggle again with violence and economic and racist injustices, and it is time to visit again as pilgrims of justice and peace,” said Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, General Secretary of the World Council of Churches.
To kick-start the official meetings with stakeholders, the delegation will make a courtesy call on H.E. President Cyril Ramaphosa, and some Cabinet Ministers from 08:30 to 09:30 at Lakes Hotel, in Benoni on Monday 9 December 2019.