The central committee also recognized the continued membership of the Anglican Province of Alexandria as a member church of the WCC that has experienced a change in structure.
The WCC governing body also received and discussed a draft Unity Statement, in response to the time in which we live, and also welcomed the statement’s reflecting the long journey of the fellowship of churches in belonging together. The executive committee will receive the revised version at their next meeting and forward it the 11th assembly where it will be discussed, revised and issued as the unity statement of the assembly.
The central committee also confirmed recommendations in the report of the Permanent Committee on Consensus and Collaboration (2022) and received reports from 2019 and 2020 as appendices, noting that many recommendations are already being implemented.
The WCC leaders expressed appreciation for the emphasis on strengthening the ethos and practice of consensus, not simply as a way of making decisions, but as an expression of the WCC as a fellowship of churches and the work the fellowship does together.
The 10th Report of the Joint Working Group between the WCC and the Roman Catholic Church was also received by the WCC central committee, and will be forwarded to the WCC 11th Assembly as a resource document.
WCC leaders also recognized the importance and the journey of the Global Christian Forum as a contribution to receptive ecumenism, sharing faith stories and building relationships.
The WCC central committee is meeting via videoconference 9-15 February to prepare for the 11th WCC Assembly, address business matters, and strengthen the WCC fellowship through sharing and prayer.
WCC central committee meeting 2022
Photo gallery: WCC Central committee welcomes new member churches