The “In Memoriam” prayer, during which names were read to music, was a somber moment in which the WCC governing body acknowledged lives lost to COVID-19 as well as other causes.
The prayer, held over videoconference as is the rest of the central committee meeting, thanked God for the faithful disciples of every generation.
"Today, we thank you for the life of your servants who have died since the last meeting of our central committee,” the group prayed. “We celebrate with grateful hearts their courage and vision, their faith and faithfulness as they laboured for the ecumenical movement and struggled to bring the churches together.”
The central committee rejoiced in the wisdom of those lost, and their unswerving commitment to unity. “We celebrate their hope and confidence that you will bring to fulfillment what you began in Jesus Christ,” they prayed. “We celebrate their commitment to live and die in your service.”
After the reading of names, the central committee prayed for those who are lonely or sad. “As we remember those whose names we have called, we pray too for those who have died during this pandemic, for those left behind, and for those who are in mourning,” they prayed. “We pray for those who long for hope, truth and love and who are searching for you with all their hearts.”