His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III , Patriarch of Jerusalem and all Palestine, accompanied by a high-level delegation from Palestine, will be among the honored, in-person guests for the ceremony, which will also be live-streamed.
After the opening ceremony, the exhibit will be available to the public from 13 September-5 October daily. The multimedia touring exhibit highlights the rehabilitation of the Church of the Nativity in all its artistic beauty, historical significance, and spiritual messages.
As the mosaics, columns, and crafted woods were installed in the Ecumenical Centre, “Bethlehem Reborn” now reminds those in Geneva and beyond of the rebirth of Jesus and the new life and new hope that arises, even as the world struggles with many challenges.
The exhibition is promoted by the State of Palestine; Higher Presidential Committee of Churches Affairs in Palestine; Presidential Committee for the Restoration of the Church of the Nativity; and the Embassy of the State of Palestine to the Holy See in cooperation with Bethlehem Development Foundation; Piacenti S.p.a and with the participation of University of Pavia.
The Geneva exhibition is being organized by the World Council of Churches, the Permanent Mission of the State of Palestine to the United Nations, and other international organizations.
The artistry is founded on the premise that the beauty and power of art, history, culture, and faith can promote understanding between people and strengthen interfaith dialogue as well inspire the betterment of future generations. Curator and project manager: Taisir Hasbun.
The high-level delegation from Palestine will include: His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III , Patriarch of Jerusalem and all Palestine; Dr Ramzi Khoury, member of the Executive Committee of the PLO and chairman of the Higher Presidential Committee of Churches Affairs in Palestine; Amb. Ibrahim Khraishi, permanent observer of the state of Palestine to the UN-Switzerland; Amb. Issa Kassisieh, ambassador of the state of Palestine to the Holy See; Amb. Omar Awadallah; assistant minister for UN and specialized organizations; Minister Khouloud Daibes, executive director of the Bethlehem Development Foundation; Amb. Amira Hanania, Higher Presidential Committee of Churches Affairs in Palestine; Ahmad Hammoudeh, chargee d´affaires at the Embassy of the state of Palestine to the Holy See; and Doa Nofal, second secretary at the POM of the state of Palestine.
Media interested to attend the opening of the exhibition on 12 September at 17:00-18:30 CEST at the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva, please email [email protected] at the latest 12 September at 10am.
Live-stream link to the opening ceremony www.oikoumene.org/live
Learn more about the exhibition “Bethlehem Reborn – Palestine – The Wonders of the Nativity”
WCC to welcome “Bethlehem Reborn” exhibit - WCC news release 6 September 2023
More photos of the exhibition installed at the Ecumenical Center
Media invitation: Exhibition “Bethlehem Reborn – Palestine – The Wonders of the Nativity” | World Council of Churches
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Marianne Ejdersten,
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