“The World Council of Churches and the UN work closely together on combatting racism,” said Namakula. “We are very grateful for the many years of fruitful cooperation between the working group and the World Council of Churches.”
But moving forward means fully acknowledging the past, she added.
“The church was established to be and is indeed a transformative agent,” she said. “The history of the church of profiteering from the enslavement of Africans, colonialism, and racial segregation is documented.”
Despite churches’ attempts to dehumanize Black people, “people of African descent continually seek solace from the church and from religion,” said Namakula. “The Lord has equally called them to build his kingdom here on earth.”
As a result the church is growing among persons of African descent, she said. “Inside the walls of the church, however, have been many controversies.”
She concluded by asking churches to address racial discrimination in Sunday schools for children, decolonize liturgies, and strengthen their witness against racism and racial discrimination in other ways.
“The church is accountable to all persons irrespective of their racial identity,” concluded Namakula.
Greetings video at the Thematic Plenary
Livestream of the WCC 11th Assembly in Karlsruhe, Germany