Red roses outside

Thursdays in Black stands for a world free from rape and violence, and the Valentines Day messages help define what love is—and what it isnt. Love is kind,” reads one. Love does not insist on its own way,” reads another.

Images of flowers, clasped hands, and snow-covered forests draw people into what love should bring: feelings of peace, belonging, and safety. 

"Let us celebrate loving relationships that affirm, respect, and care for the other,” said Sara Speicher, WCC communication officer. And let us raise awareness that abuse—from coercive control to physical violence—have no place in love.”

The Valentines messages are part of current Top Ten Countdown” WCC social media campaign countdown suggesting ways to bring us all closer to a world without rape and violence.

After Valentines Day, the countdown will feature Challenge victim-blaming” and Create a safe space.”

“Hearts and flowers might be more visible on Valentine’s Day,” added Speicher, “but Thursdays in Black acts for love, safety, and respect all year round.” 

WCC's Thursdays in Black Valentines Day resources

Learn more about Thursdays in Black

Thursdays in Black Valentines Day social media card